September 29, 2023

Washington, DC –– Zakiya Thomas, President and CEO of the ERA Coalition and Fund for Women’s Equality, statement on the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) at the age of 90:

“Senator Feinstein spent her political career as an advocate and fighter for women’s equality, gay rights, access to reproductive care, and safety from gun violence. Her long and distinguished career will be memorialized through her legacy in Congress, and we are committed to continuing her fight for a country where women and LGBTQ+ people are protected equally under the law.”


The ERA Coalition/Fund for Women's Equality is proud to stand with all of our nearly 300 partners, and the 80 million people we represent, as a strong multiracial, multiethnic, intergenerational movement of women and girls, LGBTQIA+ people, and male allies who represent intersectional gender, racial, economic, and social justice, and human and civil rights issues. 

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