April 25, 2023

Washington, DC –– Following the news that the Senate has filed cloture for a vote on SJ Res 4, the bipartisan resolution to remove the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, ERA Coalition and Fund for Women’s Equality President and CEO Zakiya Thomas released the following statement:

“We applaud Majority Leader Schumer for bringing this critical bipartisan resolution to a vote to eliminate any doubt that the Equal Rights Amendment is the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

“It’s been 100 years since the movement began to add the ERA to the Constitution, and we’re still fighting. We continue to witness opponents of equality for women and LGBTQ+ persons take unprecedented steps to roll back our rights, showing just how fiercely urgent our fight is as it was a century ago.

“We urge the Senate to do its job and vote to remove any doubt that the ERA is the law of the land, and for the House to follow suit. We deserve to have our rights protected and equality preserved in the Constitution so that we, our children, and our children’s children will have a brighter future ahead. We’ve waited long enough.”


The ERA Coalition was founded in 2014 to bring concerted, organized action to the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. The ERA Coalition has a sister organization, the Fund for Women’s Equality, which promotes public education and outreach on the need for constitutional equality. Composed of more than 290 organizations across the country, the Coalition provides education and advocacy on Constitutional Equality. 

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