Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment
July 31, 2024
Here at the ERA Coalition we celebrate women and girls every day. And we work hard for their equality. But on Mother's Day we are given a nationwide celebration, an opportunity to thank all of the women in our lives for what they have meant to us and done for us. Let's give them the best gift ever--recognition in the U.S. Constitution, equality under the law-- equal rights, protections and justice.
Help the ERA Coalition continue its daily work with legislators and activists to get the Equal Rights Amendment recognized in the Constitution -- and, as always, we so appreciate your spreading the word, going to our website and signing our pledge. We are thrilled to have you in this work with us.
And we have exciting news! At our recent board meetings for our sister organizations, a terrific leadership team was elected. Returning as Chair of The Fund for Women's Equality, our 501 (c) 3, Marcy Syms. And as the new Chair of our 501(c)4 The ERA Coalition, Kimberly Peeler-Allen. Co-Founder Jessica Neuwirth and I were re-elected as Co-Presidents, Co-Founder Elizabeth Young re-elected as Treasurer. We thank Co-Founder Maria Vullo for her excellent service as Coalition Chair and her continued leadership. And for a look at all of our board members, please visit our team page here.
We also welcomed three new board members: Former Illinois Representative and ERA champion Steve Andersson, Trans Rights lawyer M. Dru Levasseur, and Sony Executive Wade Leak, who will serve as Secretary. And super, double congratulations to Board member Heidi Schreck who just gave birth to twin girls. Welcome Frankie and Lili--your Mom is working for your Equal Future!
Finally, our Campus ERA Day on April 27th was such a huge success--you can watch it here-- our thanks to our partners Hunter College, Roosevelt House Institute of Public Policy, and all of our panelists and students. Coming up next--our first virtual Town Hall on the ERA next Wednesday, May 13th at 6P/ET. You can sign up to watch here.
The following Town Hall will be on Violence Against Women and the ERA on May 27th at 6P/ET. Details to follow.
As always, thank you for being with us on this thrilling ride--the ERA gets closer every day!
Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition