What an exciting day in the House of Representatives -- we began the day at Democratic Whip James Clyburn's Democratic Caucus breakfast, attended by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Representatives Carolyn Maloney, Jackie Speier, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Lucy McBath and many more. The ERA Coalition was invited to speak about HJ Res 79, Jackie Speier's bill to remove the time limit from the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

To watch tomorrow's debate and vote on HJ Res 79, go to www.live.house.gov. Proceedings begin at 9:30 a.m. ET.

Later in the morning, the ERA Coalition, including board member Heidi Schreck, Co-Founder/Co-President Jessica Neuwirth and I participated in Speaker Pelosi's press conference with legislators and advocates. Coalition members American Association of University Women, Feminist Majority, NOW, Equality Now, YWCA, VARatifyERA, National Women's Political Caucus, National League of Women Voters and partner National Women's Law Center were all present. It was a rousing sendoff to the historic vote tomorrow.  You can watch the full press conference here.

ERA Coalition Co-President and CEO Carol Jenkins speaks at a press conference on HJ Res 79

We will be in the House gallery tomorrow morning to witness the vote on HJ Res 79 and will have a full report on today's and tomorrow’s events. Be assured that the ERA Coalition is committed to seeing the ERA added to the Constitution.

In solidarity and Onward!

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

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