2222222250 years of Ms. Magazine and the Equal Rights Amendment

Our friends at Roosevelt House and Ms. Magazine invite you to a panel discussion celebrating the new book: 50 Years of Ms. THE BEST OF THE PATHFINDING MAGAZINE THAT IGNITED A REVOLUTION
Panelists will reflect not only on the history of Ms. magazine, but how lessons from the past 50 years create a roadmap for a path forward– with particular focus on the urgent need for the Equal Rights Amendment. From protecting abortion rights to enacting tougher laws against gender-based violence, securing the ERA in our Constitution is more urgent than ever!
Date: Monday, September 18th
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Roosevelt House Auditorium
Address: 47-49 East 65th St NY, NY 10065 (Between Park and Madison)
Speakers include:
- Zakiya Thomas, President and CEO of the ERA Coalition/Fund for Women’s Equality
- Carol Jenkins, Journalist and past president and CEO of the ERA Coalition/Fund for Women’s Equality
- Hon. Carolyn Maloney, Roosevelt House Eleanor Roosevelt Distinguished Leader in Residence
- Eleanor Smeal, President and Co-Founder, the Feminist Majority Foundation
- Ting Ting Chen, Director of the Equal Rights Amendment Project at Columbia Law School
- Bella Ramirez, Sign4ERA Petition Leader and recent Hunter College graduate